Cuisine Wine

Hamden Estate

“When we first bought this land back in the early 2000s it was just 20 acres of thistles,” shrugs owner David Iggulden. “We grubbed them all by hand and they never came back.” That’s a good thing, because today the vineyard and site of the newly built house and cellar door are perfectly landscaped and manicured, all thanks to endless toiling by this hard-working couple.

Things To Know
David and his wife, Jo, planted their vines on the limestone soils of Dry River Rd back in 2003 and the distinctive paper dolls on the labels pay tribute to their three daughters. The name Hamden comes from Jo’s maiden name of Oxenham and David’s surname. There’s a tiny olive grove growing, chickens scratching and lovely potager gardens to admire.

Our Picks
Crafted by winemaker Strat Canning from Margrain Vineyard, the riesling is chalky and lime-laden, and the pinot noir is ultra-fruity and luscious.

If Dougal the cat and Jake the vegetarian Rottweiler aren’t camera-fodder enough, around the corner is the picturesque Patuna Farm Limestone Chasm Walkway (; closed in winter months).